Carry on SAP

Carry on SAP

Doing so provides you with the highest possible optimization of working with the system, and a guarantee of long-term reliability of it. We ain’t new to the area – providing long-term pan-European services to customers like Zeiss, Ferrero, Deutsche Bahn, Schweizerische BundesBahnen, Kaufland, etc. – we can offer our Service-desk support to Your company as processes supported by SAP. Our sector is focused mainly on industrial and utility companies.

SAP system, on order to serve you well, requires adequate attention paid to it’s technical condition, to the way minor productive modifications are being made, as well as acknowledgement of the user experience feedback.

24/7 System monitoring

For our customers, we provide monitoring and preventive maintenance of crucial SAP systems. The monitoring service is typically provided on 24/7 basis. Various aspects of monitoring services can be adjusted to comply with the customer’s specific requirements.

User and System Admin SAP courses

We offer a wide scope of training courses for economists, executive managers, human resource managers, manufacturing and logistics executives, as well as IT experts. Our courses are designed both for professionals and beginners, with high emphasis on intensive communication with participants about the problems they particularly encounter and options for solutions, clarificating all aspects of a specific transaction or process, and discussing problematic points. Where circumstances allow, we excersise treatments of practical examples. The courses comprise an optimal combination of best practices, innovations and legislative context.

Operational Support

We provide design and implementations of solutions to common change requests from our customers. The service is typically provided in Time & Material mode to the agreed extent, or reaction time, while with the individual requirements, we guarantee an insurmountable labor intensive.

KCT Service Desk

For all problems and incidents that may happen during operational use of the SAP systems, we can take full responsibility. The KCT Service-Desk is also provided in 24/7 mode with a guaranteed minimum processing time of the incident. Usually, the service is associated with prophylactic activities, training activities and the implementation of change requests, so that our practical knowledge of customer’s environments efficiently provide not only respond, but usually precede unusual situations. The service is mainly used by our customers for technical support (see also 24/7 system monitoring), legislative timeliness of HR including payroll processing, integration processes and scenarios as well as production logistics and accounting modules.